Cold Sores Recommended First Aid For Oral Herpes Cold Sores

By Denny Bodoh

Cold sore first aid for easy healing, and preventing future cold sores is now possible. Get your life back! The following are medically sound first aid ideas you will want to try.


Ice is one of the most universal cold sore remedies for stopping the pain and swelling. If used early and often, it can stop any cold sore dead in its tracks. If you use wet, frozen tea bags, you will accomplish the same thing but will also benefit from the special antiseptic properties of the tea plant.

You may not be able to use ice when driving or at work. In that case, check out some drug store cold sore remedies that have pain deadening ingredients – such as benzocaine or lidocaine. Ice works better, but these will give some relief when you cannot use ice.

For the headaches, fever and swollen lymph glands, use your favorite aspirin-type product. This will give some relief and help you to function better in your daily activities.


Cold sore first aid requires keeping the wound clean and sterile. The best way to do this is with alcohol or peroxide – applied with throwaway tissue or cotton balls. Clean the cold sore as frequently as possible. Sanitize your hands afterward with hand sanitizing gel.


Some folks claim great success using wine or brandy in place of alcohol for the cleaning process. Makes sense since these products also contain nutrients known to be helpful to the healing process.


Cold sores are caused by massive cell destruction. The body must take some time in repairing the damage and replacing the skin cells. Here are a couple of proven first aid tactics you can use for this.

Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel – from the leaf of a live plant. (Bottled gel has been killed by the bottling process and does not work.) You will be astounded how quickly Aloe Vera speeds skin growth. It is like skin fertilizer.

If you do not have access to a live Aloe Vera plant, here is first aid you can use that works with or without Aloe Vera.

Warm up any tea bag in water, not microwave. Apply this warm bag to the wound for about 15 minutes at a time. After you are done, apply a zinc based salve or gel. You probably can find a zinc containing salve among the cold sore remedies at the store. Some folks just rub a wet zinc lozenge on the sore (the kind you suck on for head colds).


Ice is probably one of the best cold sore remedies – if used early. Once the sore opens up, however, ice can slow down healing dramatically. Cold drives away healing blood from the area.

Once your cold sore breaks open, it begins the healing mode. To relieve pain at this point, use the numbing remedies mentioned above. These will not give as much comfort as ice, but will not slow down healing either.

Now is the time to start applying heat as often as possible.

Start using a daily multiple vitamin program. A good vitamin will consist of a daily dose of four to six large tablets or capsules. Anything less and you might as well save your money. Many folks report reducing and preventing cold sores by as much as 50% using this therapy.

When your sore has a scab, it will painfully crack when you smile or move your mouth. This really slows down healing because the scab is constantly trying to repair itself too.

Your best bet is to keep the scab well saturated with oil – such as olive oil or vitamin E oil. This will keep it soft and flexible for less cracking.

The best cold sore first aid is stopping cold sores before they occur. This used to be quite difficult, but now more and more people are finding their personal cure for cold sores.

Cold sores affect each one of us differently, because each of us is unique. You will have to try different cold sore prevention methods – and perhaps combining them. Eventually you will discover, as millions of others have, the secret to personally preventing cold sores.

Imagine how wonderful life can be when you no longer have to cope with cold sores.

About the Author: Cold Sore questions? Go to Denny Bodoh’s popular web site packed with excellent articles on

Cold Sores

. Take away some amazing

Cold Sore

cures and remedies that will actually work for you.


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The Benefits Of Installing A Solar Photovoltaic System In Hawaii

byAlma Abell

There was a time when energy costs in Hawaii were higher than many other areas of the country, but solar energy has changed that picture. Several years ago residents began to harness the sun’s power to create renewable energy, and today it is very common to see a Solar Photovoltaic System in Hawaii, as more residents choose eco-friendly, affordable solutions.

Solar Solutions Are Economical

When solar energy was first introduced it was often too expensive for the average homeowner. However, as technology advanced and providers became more efficient, equipment and installation costs have gone down and now it is typical for a new home to include a Solar Photovoltaic System in Hawaii. Experts such as The Sonshine Solar Corp can provide equipment that allows homeowners to harness the sun’s power to produce all of their home’s electric. They offer solar hot water heaters, too. It has been estimated that customers reduce utility bills up to 50% with natural energy. They reduce water heating costs by up to 90%. Installation of renewable energy equipment entitles customers to State and Federal Tax credits. Their savings and rebates make conversion cheap enough to pay for new equipment in a fairly short time.

Solar Solutions Help Save the Earth

When fossil fuels like oil are used to create energy, they generate tons of pollution every year. Energy professionals estimate that an average home consisting of four people emits about eight tons of carbon dioxide per year. That is almost twice what their car produces. However, the renewable energy created from the sun helps keep the air clean and fresh and conserves natural resources.

Solar Solutions Are Reliable

Now that many companies have had years of experience perfecting solar equipment, providers can offer reliable products that last a lifetime. Technicians are now experienced with the latest technology and can offer clients a variety of money-and-earth-saving energy options. Many Hawaiian solar experts have become respected members of their communities and residents now rely on them for quality solutions.

Solar energy is popular in Hawaii because it helps save the environment while saving customers money. In addition installers can now offer customers a variety of solar solutions and provide quality equipment at affordable prices.