Painters In Albany – Ready To Get Your Job Done!


Painting is certainly not the most favorite job of many people, so thankfully there are professionals available who are ready to take on your job. painters in Albany understand that you have to paint or to repaint and they are not concerned if the job is small or large. They know that you have a picture in your mind that is the end result of the painting and it is an absolute necessity that the work be done in a professional manner.

Aside from that, many people are not ready to get into painting because it is time consuming. First of all, the surface needs to be completely prepared, and that usually involves some scraping (exterior) or some wall washing (interior). Afterwards, holes must be patched and the color either needs to be matched or a new color should be selected. Even if you have a sample of some paint that was previously used, it can be difficult to match the color exactly.

Painting requires a steady hand and a good eye as well as a great deal of patience. Paint does not dry instantly, and if more than one coat is required (for darker colors especially) then it can take up to a week to get the job done, depending on how large the surface is. Most people are just not prepared to take on this kind of a job and dedicate so much time to it. That’s perfectly fine, because professional painters are ready, willing and able to take on your job and to complete it for you.

There are a wide range of companies with excellent painters Albany that have plenty of experience with both commercial and residential painting jobs. You simply need to call a few of these companies and get some quotes to have the work done for you. Most painters will want to come to your home and have a look at the work that needs to be done so that they can give you an accurate quote. You should have an idea about the colors that you would like, but most painting companies will have paint chips available so that you can decide.

Medical Treatment Under The Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Act

Submitted by: Jack B. Katz

If you have been injured at work in Pennsylvania, you do not have to treat with a company or designated doctor unless a list of medical providers is given to you by your employer or its insurance company, according to the Pennsylvania Workers Compensation Act. Looking at it the opposite way, you must treat with a company doctor (or at least with a designated facility), only if your employer or its insurance copmany has provided you with a list of at least six healthcare providers. Of course, it’s not easy to know if the least is correct. That’s why you should contact attorney Jack B. Katz, former chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association Workers’ Compensation Section, who will review the information you have received and provide legal advice.

If a proper list of six places was not provided at your workplace, then you are immediately free to treat with a physician of your own choosing -no matter what the employer tells you or hands you. If a proper list is provided, then you need to treat with at least one of these providers for 90 days from the first date of treatment. If a specialist is needed and one is not on the posted list, a injured worker may treat with a doctor of his own choosing. The employer will be responsible for the bill. (This includes chiropractor, if needed, and none is posted.)

What does this all really mean? If an employee fails to treat with a designated provider for the first 90 days, the employer does not have to pay for the medical treatment received during that time only – that is all that the above means! It does not mean that the claim itself will be denied or that you will not receive any weekly benefits. In other words, don’t automatically believe what your employer or its insurance company says. They may not be telling you the truth, or may not be telling you the whole truth.


Since the company can have control of treatment for 90 days -you may want -at least once – to choose to be examined by a doctor in whom you have confidence and who will look after your best interest. This is true even if you have to pay for the treatment yourself. If not, after the 90 days, you won’t have a doctor who can fully document and confirm your injury to the insurance company, let alone start to cure you! (You should always notify your employer of the name and address of your treating physician within 5 days of you initial treatment.)

After 90 days, you absolutely should treat with your own doctors. The employer is then entitled only to periodic examinations but not to have you treat with their doctors. (The employer’s or insurance company’s doctors are not being paid by you and may be under pressure to get you back to work before you are really ready.)

Finally, if surgery is prescribed by a company-designated doctor, employees may get a second opinion by a doctor of their choice -paid for by the employer.

This handy Pennsylvania workers compensation law tip is provided by the Philadelphia workers compensation law office of Attorney Jack B. Katz, Law Offices of Jack B. Katz, 1213 Vine Street Philadelphia, PA 19107,, Email

About the Author: Philadelphia workers compensation attorney Jack B. Katz, and the

Law Offices of Jack B. Katz

have been representing injured workers for more than two decades. Jack Katz concentrates his practice in workers compensation matters.


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Edmund White on writing, incest, life and Larry Kramer

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What you are about to read is an American life as lived by renowned author Edmund White. His life has been a crossroads, the fulcrum of high-brow Classicism and low-brow Brett Easton Ellisism. It is not for the faint. He has been the toast of the literary elite in New York, London and Paris, befriending artistic luminaries such as Salman Rushdie and Sir Ian McKellen while writing about a family where he was jealous his sister was having sex with his father as he fought off his mother’s amorous pursuit.

The fact is, Edmund White exists. His life exists. To the casual reader, they may find it disquieting that someone like his father existed in 1950’s America and that White’s work is the progeny of his intimate effort to understand his own experience.

Wikinews reporter David Shankbone understood that an interview with Edmund White, who is professor of creative writing at Princeton University, who wrote the seminal biography of Jean Genet, and who no longer can keep track of how many sex partners he has encountered, meant nothing would be off limits. Nothing was. Late in the interview they were joined by his partner Michael Caroll, who discussed White’s enduring feud with influential writer and activist Larry Kramer.

Retrieved from “,_incest,_life_and_Larry_Kramer&oldid=4520289”

Bird flu may infect 20 percent of world’s population, kill millions

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Past Pandemics have claimed many lives.
Disease Year Death toll
Spanish Flu 1918/1919 50 million
Asian Flu 1957 1 million
Hong Kong Flu 1968 1 million

The science journal Nature devoted a special section to the Asian H5N1 virus, or “Avian Flu“, highlighting the danger it poses to world populations, and cautioning that unless steps are taken soon, it could lead to the deaths of many millions and lead to a major economic crisis. Their analysis shows a danger of it mutating into a strain with a lethality similar to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

Michael Osterholm, a scientist at the University of Minnesota, gave grave caution about the situation. “Time is running out to prepare for the next pandemic… There is a critical need for comprehensive medical and non-medical pandemic planning at the ground level that goes beyond what has been considered so far.”

Preparations being made for flu pandemic
There is a crisis plan being drawn up in New York City. The Asian bird flu could mutate and cause a pandemic.

The plan addresses quarantines, testing, overcrowding in hospitals, and rationing of vaccines and treatments.

New evidence suggests the bird flu may be moving to stage 5. When stage 6 is reached, there could be a rapid spread of the flu.

The next pandemic is projected to originate in poultry in Asia, due either to the H5N1 virus adapting on its own or mixing with genetic material from a human virus. In the journal, virologists at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam strongly urged better organized research into outbreaks in Asia, calling the current efforts patchy and uncoordinated, saying, “We propose establishing a permanent global task force to control a flu pandemic, in which relevant agencies would work together with leading research groups from different disciplines.” The annual cost of this task force would be less than $1.5 million annually.

Deaths due to the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak reached between 20-50 million people, on the order of roughly 2% of the Earth’s population of nearly 2 billion at the time; the Earth’s population has increased by more than threefold since then. This disease spread around the world in the course of six months, killing 25 million. India was particularly hard hit, with 17 million deaths. Half a million died in the USA, and 200,000 in the UK. It is estimated to have afflicted about 20% of the world’s population to some extent, before it vanished eighteen months after its initial outbreak.

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Nokia appoints Microsoft Business Division Head as chief executive

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Finnish communications corporation Nokia announced that its Head will change on September 21. The previous chief executive Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo will continue to chair in non-executive capacity. The head of Microsoft Business division Stephen Elop will take the position. It is the first time a non-Finn becomes Nokia president and chief executive.

The change follows Nokia’s fall in world markets. It includes a decrease in Nokia’s American market share to less than ten percent after failed negotiations with a number of leading American phone providers. An analyst at a market analyst company Canalys, Pete Cunningham, said, “Despite holding 38 percent market share of the smartphone market, Nokia’s failure to compete with the iPhone and high-tier Android devices, combined with its lack of progress in gaining significant traction in the United States, has led to press and investor dissatisfaction.”

Some commenters suggested that Nokia chose Mr. Elop partly because he is a Canadian, following criticism of American candidates by the Finnish press. However a Nokia spokesman rejected this, saying, “Nationality was not a selection criteria.”

Stephen Elop was president and CEO of the graphics and web-development software house Macromedia prior to its acquisition by Adobe in 2005. He then joined Microsoft as President of Microsoft’s Business Division in January, 2008. Commenting on his new role he said, “Nokia has a unique global position as well as a great brand upon which we can build. The Nokia slogan clearly states our key mission: Connecting People, which will acquire new dimensions as we build our portfolio of products, solutions and services.”

In the announcement the Chairman of the Nokia Board of Directors Jorma Ollila stressed an expected shift of focus from hardware to software. “His [Stephen Elop’s] strong software background and proven record in change management will be valuable assets as we press harder to complete the transformation of the company. We believe that Stephen will be able to drive both innovation and efficient execution of the company strategy in order to deliver increased value to our shareholders”.

Nokia stated in an official blog post, “Nokia is transitioning from a hardware manufacturer of mobile devices to a software and solutions business. …Stephen’s background in the software industry is one of his key strengths.”

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If You Need The Advice Of An Experienced Slip And Fall Lawyer


If you need the advice of an experienced slip and fall lawyer, but you are worried about the expense involved, you might be surprised to learn that you don’t need money up front in many cases. Most slip and fall attorneys are willing to offer potential clients a free consultation. This means that you can usually call with a few details of your case and find out whether the attorney thinks it will be worth pursuing.

The Contingent Fee Basis

If your slip and fall lawyer determines that your case is worth pursuing, you still don’t have to worry about paying any cash up front. Many slip and fall lawyers will agree to take your case on what is referred to as a contingent fee basis. Essentially, this means that you will sign a contract with your attorney that states you will pay them part of your settlement once you receive it.

The amount of a contingent fee is variable and depends on the lawyer, but in many cases it will be around 33 percent of the total settlement. If your case does not result in a settlement, but instead goes to court, you percent of the total award to the attorney should you receive an award in court. While this amount is certainly higher, court awards are traditionally considerably higher than settlements, so you will still be likely to receive a considerable sum even after you pay your lawyer.

Proving Your Case

If you are worried about proving your slip and fall case, your lawyer will take that burden off your shoulders. The attorney will investigate the scene of the accident, take statements, peruse accident reports in depth and do everything in their power to demonstrate how and why you were injured. You may need to do nothing more than make a clear statement to the attorney so they can get a first hand account of your injury. If you need the advice of an experienced slip and fall lawyer, consider contacting a local personal injury lawyer today. A consultation appointment is often free for new clients!

Visit for further details.

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Romanian trade unions threaten more protests

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thousands of Romanian public sector workers gathered outside government headquarters in Bucharest on Wednesday to rally against the planned downsizing of the public sector. They protested planned pay cuts and growing job insecurity, as well as the so-called single wage bill, which will in effect freeze pay in the sector for an indefinite period.

Threatening further protests, union leaders called on voters to boycott the November 22nd presidential elections. The government, meanwhile, faces a no-confidence vote next week.

Bogdan Hossu, leader of Cartel Alfa Union, recalled that President Traian B?sescu had told reporters he would not seek a second term if the number of unemployed reaches one million people.

As many as 15,000 people from all over Romania joined Wednesday’s demonstration. It followed a one-day strike Monday, when up to 800,000 teachers, doctors, nurses, policemen, clerks and other public sector employees took to the streets in what has been described as Romania’s largest protest in the last 80 years.

The catalyst was adoption of reform measures aimed at cutting the swollen budget deficit and meeting commitments spelled out in an IMF-led financial rescue package worth nearly 20 billion euros.

“We need these measures to be taken now. If not, it could lead to a prolonged recession,” the AFP quoted Nicolae Chidesciuc, senior economist at ING Romania, as saying Wednesday.

But the government’s recent move to reform the public pay scale — ending intricate bonus programmes and effectively reducing the wages of most employees in the public sector — caused an uproar.

Chanting “thieves! thieves!”, the participants in Wednesday’s rally demanded that the government to resign. “You promised us, then you forgot us,” they shouted.

“The authorities forced us to the streets again; we did not want this to happen today, on the World Day for Decent Work, as we are now celebrating indecent work,” said Aurel Cornea, vice-president of the Teachers’ Union, one of the four trade unions that organised the rally.

The list of demands they submitted Wednesday called for the minimum wage to be increased from its current level of around 145 euros to 176 euros per month in 2010 and to 310 euros per month in 2014, and for an improvement of the salary scales under the unitary pay law for the public sector. They also urged authorities to scrap provisions introducing a mandatory unpaid leave of ten days a year.

According to Romanian media reports, the unions are also pressing the government to increase economic investment, support economic agencies, create jobs, protect workers and ensure decent pensions.

Romania has been hit badly by the global economic turmoil. According to IMF estimates for 2009, the country’s budget deficit is expected to top 7.3% of GDP and the economy will shrink by 8.5% this year.

Prime Minister Emil Boc, whose government faces a no-confidence vote in parliament on Tuesday, has urged the unionists to halt their protests until after next month’s presidential elections.

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Wikinews interviews Frank Moore, independent candidate for US President

Saturday, March 1, 2008

While nearly all coverage of the 2008 Presidential election has focused on the Democratic and Republican candidates, the race for the White House also includes independents and third party candidates. These parties represent a variety of views that may not be acknowledged by the major party platforms.

Wikinews has impartially reached out to these candidates, throughout the campaign. We now interview independent Presidential candidate Frank Moore, a performance artist.

Retrieved from “,_independent_candidate_for_US_President&oldid=2185149”

Vandals deface family crypt of Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A woman in the tiny farming community of Saint-Rémi, Quebec, south of Montreal visited the local cemetery Saturday and received a rude shock. Graffitied on former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Eliott Trudeau’s family crypt were “FLQ“, the initials of the Front de libération du Québec and the French words for “traitor” and “bastard” in black spray-paint.

“It’s very sad,” said Pierre Sauriol, whose organization maintains the graveyard. “He made errors and good decisions like everyone, but he was one of the prime ministers of Canada, and he should rest in peace.”

Trudeau, who served as Canada’s prime minister from 1968-79 and again in 1980-84, was a controversial figure in the history of Quebec.

During the FLQ crisis in October 1970, Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act after a British diplomat, James Cross and a provincial cabinet minister, Pierre Laporte were kidnapped, leading to arrests of any individuals the police thought to be separatists, and to their detentions without bail. Laporte was later strangled to death by the FLQ.

Trudeau, who died in September 2000, is entombed in the grey-stone mausoleum with his parents and 11 other family members.

Mr. Sauriol said this was the first time vandals have left their mark on the crypt.

Police believe the tomb was vandalized sometime on Friday night or early Saturday morning.

The Trudeau crypt, which stands taller than any monument in the cemetery, was cordened off Saturday using orange police tape tied to tombstones.

Provincial police are searching the area in the hope of finding any clues. They have also measured and taken photos of the graffiti, which was applied to every wall of the structure. The letters “FLQ” on the front of the crypt covered a pair of names on a plaque posted by the door. As of now, there have been no arrests or suspects.

The crypt is located a few metres from a major road and many residents from the town of 6,000 slowed to see the damage as they passed by in their vehicles.

Trudeau’s family could not be reached for comment but the head of a prominent nationalist group gave his opinion on the matter, calling the vandalism “extremely deplorable.”

“It isn’t acceptable,” said Jean Dorion of the Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montreal. “Of course we disagree with the Constitution that has been imposed forcibly on Quebec – this is not acceptable. But it’s not a reason to desecrate a burial place.”

Environment Minister John Baird, who is responsible for Parks Canada, said in a statement that his department would remove the offensive graffiti.

“It is important to protect the historic resting places of former prime ministers, and these places should at all times be given the respect and honour they deserve,” Baird said.

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Tempure Scientific For Comprehensive Solution To All Your Pharmaceutical Refrigeration Needs

Tempure Scientific for Comprehensive Solution to All Your Pharmaceutical Refrigeration Needs


Proper storage of life saving drugs and vaccines in the pharmacy is vital for the health and well being of patients. Certain medicines and vaccinations lose their effectiveness unless stored in very low temperature so it s important to have heavy duty pharmacy refrigerators which are capable of maintaining low temperatures constant. In-fact no pharmacy can function without reliable Pharmaceutical Refrigerators. Pharmacy refrigerators come in various sizes and shapes and are capable of maintaining temperatures as low as -2 degrees Celsius. From smaller size that has single door to larger ones which have multiple doors or drawers these refrigerators are lifelines of any pharmacy.


When looking to buy pharmacy refrigerators, it is better to go for those offering features like automatic defrost, quiet operation, door locks, digital temperature control system, forced air cooling and most importantly an inbuilt alarm system which goes off in case the door of the refrigerator is left open accidently. Since the above mentioned features are offered by many companies the next most important thing is to look for after sales services. Makes sure that the company you are buying pharmacy refrigerators from has a well spread network to provide after sales services at shortest possible notice.

Strictly following the instructions provided at the time of purchase keeps your Pharmaceutical Refrigerators running efficiently for years without any hitch. Remember to place the pharmacy refrigerators at a little away from the wall to provide enough space for the air to circulate. Keep it locked and never keep food stuff in it. Maintain a proper record of the refrigerators temperature and clean it on regular basis.

It s important that you buy pharmacy refrigerators of reputed brand such as Tempure Scientific which has been providing all type of world class pharmacy refrigerators to the health care industry for the last three decades. They believe in constant up-gradation of technology and use most modern components to manufacture medical refrigerators. Tempure Scientific are the best when it comes to providing superb quality at an attractive price, backed by unmatched after sales services. Apart from world class pharmacy refrigerators they also offer a complete range of medical and scientific refrigeration systems. Tempure Scientific is your one stop shop for all your medical refrigeration needs.

For complete information on various scientific and medical refrigerators produced by Tempure Scientific logon to their website

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