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Health Care Reform s Time is Near!
Healthcare Solutions Team
Former Beatles drummer Ringo Starr once famously observed, Time takes time. While I m sure that Ringo Starr wasn t talking specifically about health insurance as far as I know, his keen observation remains a timely one as we witness the gradual unfolding of health care reform. It makes you think doesn t it??
The Affordable Care Act is now just five months away from the historic first open enrollment period of the new federal-state health exchanges. It is supposed to provide a simplified, one-stop online source for affordable health insurance for individuals and small businesses. But the on-line 21 page application has our federal government scrambling to find a more stream-lined version that will be less demonstrative for the many people that cannot maneuver around a computer let alone a complicated website and application process with no help.
The individual mandate portion of the law, of course, requires all Americans to obtain health insurance or face a penalty on their federal income tax. But many are in the dark and will have to pay more for their coverage through the exchange verses if they would contact us at Healthcare Solutions team for the help that they so badly need.
Unfortunately, a health tracking poll done in April by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 4 in 10 of us (42 percent) still don t know that the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land. Why? Well, 12 percent think Congress repealed it, 7 percent think the Supreme Court overturned it, and the other 23 percent are just plain confused about it. And because our species tends to be change-averse, more of us (40 percent) have an unfavorable rather than a favorable view (35 percent) of the law just now. With that in mind our insurance agents are ready and able to help all of you face your fear with the change that is looming in the very near future!
Health care reform is a huge change that s been surrounded by a lot of noise and will take, yes, some time for people to become comfortable with it. President Barack Obama acknowledged as much in a press conference last week, calling health care reform a big undertaking with many glitches and bumps ahead.
What do we think about this quandary? Most Americans haven t digested health care reform because it s not likely to affect them initially. That s because they now have health insurance through their individual plan that offers all the same benefits as the new exchange plans, is theirs to control and they will still save money!
Oh sure, you all will try to understand the process and the concept of the new exchange plans or not!
But as Ringo observed, that s gonna take some time.
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Health Care Reform s Time is Near!