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Should Employees Be Afraid Of A Time Tracker?
Ivan PetrovTypically employees are quite concerned with such an event, as it is often the case with changing of tried ways. Any manager who wants to successfully install and use a time tracking system in his company should prepare the employees first and show them the benefits of using the software.It mustn’t be all about micro-managing and restricting freedom, but about becoming more productive, getting more gone and getting paid more. Staff should be able to focus on what they’re good at their work, not on a time tracker.
A More Dynamic And Flexible Workspace
The advantages of using a time tracker are not always straightforward. When a program you use is simple and user-friendly, you are able to collect a valuable and representative data about the work, processes, projects, and overall efficiency, starting from a single employee and up to the company as a whole. If a project is lagging behind and needs more people to work on it you’ll be able to see it in a very short time, and not when it’s too late. If someone works on the road, or remotely, you’ll not need to guess what they are up to, as you will have a report from the automatic time tracker. This way flexibility goes hand in hand with accountability.
Less Guessing, More Knowing
Using the time tracker for specific projects, jobs, or customers while paying attention to the data collected by the program, allows you to stop guessing about many important parameters of efficiency and productivity, as well as to provide your customers with precise bills with proof.
You will know how many hours of each employee (with their individual specialities and skill levels) it took to accomplish this or that project for this or that customer.If an employee is overworked or if a project needs more time than it was supposed, it can be fixed in real time, with calculated corrections made for future similar projects. This way the tension between project managers and team members will be reduced as there will be reasonable deadlines set and resources for projects allocated.
An Efficient Employee Is A Respected Employee
A time tracker provides the transparency needed to a manager and teammates without constant checks and interruptions of an employee. When every member of the team understands who else is on the task and where are they. It streamlines workflows organically.
Make Sure Your Employees Are In The Same Boat With The Time Tracker
The time tracker of CrocoTime offers a 14-days free trial of both SaaS and standalone applications. Take advantage of this offer and try it out on as many computers as possible to collect the actual data of your organization’s work. Once you see the results, you’ll love it.
CrocoTime team also provides customer service in the early stages and later stages of the time tracker’s implementation to make it easy for all your team. Be sure to check our use cases from different types of businesses.
Today CrocoTime is approved by more than 500 of customers ranging from small companies to enterprises of different spheres of business: production companies, project companies, trading, and service companies have been using CrocoTime to become more productive and efficient.
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