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Many small businesses need Locksmiths in Fullerton for a diverse range of services. Securing the main gate and front door is just the beginning of protecting a company’s physical assets and the people who work there. Having a long-term contract with a locksmith allows him to fully understand the nature of a business and how its security needs are changing over time. For years jewelry stores have used limited access front doors to know specifically who is entering and leaving the store. But now many of those same jewelers have started buying jewelry made of precious metals back from their customers.
The shop layout will have to have contain a location to conduct a confidential appraisal and give someone a large amount of cash. It is in the jeweler’s interest not to have the general public know how much cash is on hand at any one moment. The person having their jewelry appraised may be self-conscious about the process. But more importantly, they should be concerned about anyone knowing that they are leaving with a large sum of money. A Locksmith Fullerton can provide a keypad lock to that area. The jeweler may have several customers lined up to have their jewelry appraised and bought. This increased activity within the store may require a closed circuit television system to monitor the store traffic. Cameras may be needed outside to pick up anyone watching the store.
All companies need to be aware of the activity outside of their buildings. Even office buildings that don’t serve the public can come under attack from disgruntled employees. Open work spaces and floor plans make most employees targets from the first moment a shooter enters the workplace. Locksmiths Fullerton can work with office managers to transform copy rooms or staff rooms into havens with strong doors and advanced locks.
They can also install television cameras in the parking lot. That allows managers to monitor activity without being seen or placed in danger. Women, who are the victims of domestic violence, have been murdered in their corporate parking lots. Real-time monitoring can pick up dangerous loiterers. Companies should work with closely with their Locksmiths in Fullerton to develop innovative ways to prevent workplace violence.